Episode 06: A Winning Strategy: Cross Functional Labor Management (CFLM)


Use this strategy to fill all your orders and cut costs.  In our sixth episode, learn how to execute CFLM, why to explore this, and the values you should expect from it.  We’ve seen companies struggle with dealing with peaks and valleys of fulfillment because there are a lack of skilled individuals and will tell you, IT’S NOT NECESSARY.  Train the force you have, backfill the lower positions, and see INCREDIBLE RESULTS.

[01:36] – What is CFLM? 

[04:01] – What this strategy will do for you?  Ensure good fulfillment rates, decrease accidents, reduce costs, and empower your workforce.

[06:00] – How this could work for you  

[06:49] – The criteria you can use to select individuals and exactly how you'll be cutting costs.

[13:35] – Re-cap on the steps for multiple industries – 1. Identify your team.  2. Negotiate lower markups during peak moments.  3. Repeat step 1-2 because attrition will always happen.

***DISCLAIMER*** the dance move mentioned is DEFINITELY NOT called The Cherry Picker.  It is indeed called The Shopping Cart (please see this YouTube link for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DW4Dg6fKzNU)


Episode 07: Background Checks: How They Work and How They Impact Your Business – With Katie Kulp


Episode 05: Filling Temp Orders: A Strategy for Distributing Between Suppliers