Episode 05: Filling Temp Orders: A Strategy for Distributing Between Suppliers


Revamp your strategy for distributing temporary labor orders between your suppliers so that you save money and build strong relationships with the BEST of the BEST in supply chain.  As an MSP/VMS, we get hit with the frustrations of both suppliers and clients looking for good talent.  We also get insight into WHY certain relationships just WORK.  In episode 5, we reveal to you these insights along with practical steps on how to get where you want in cost savings and near-flawless fulfillment. 

[01:07] – Many people distribute ALL their orders to ALL their suppliers.  Sounds good but our stats prove the opposite.

[03:01] – 3 reasons on why you should avoid this practice  

[05:23] – What to do instead STEP 1: Divvy orders up in a more calculated way to ensure your suppliers are the best they can be.

[09:15] – What to do instead STEP 2: Use this to always have benched personnel available in any case of fall through.

[10:44] – What to do instead STEP 3: Reward performance SLOWLY.

[13:23] – How to measure your suppliers’ performances  

[16:26] – Thoughts on Crowd Sourcing Software (Gig Recruiting) and the challenges with it.


Episode 06: A Winning Strategy: Cross Functional Labor Management (CFLM)


Episode 04: Talent Acquisition: Managing Dramatic Downsizing and Upsizing